Majority of Namibians support elections as the best way to choose their leaders, new Afrobarometer study shows

Almost three-quarters (72%) of Namibians say they voted in the last national election in 2019, while 25% say they did not.


2024 Afrobarometer Round 10 survey in Namibia

Most Namibians value elections, and overwhelming majorities say that they feel free to join any political organisation and to choose whom to vote for without feeling pressured, a recent Afrobarometer survey indicates.

More than seven in 10 citizens say they voted in the last election in 2019. While most respondents consider that election to have been largely free and fair, about three in 10 report fearing political intimidation or violence at least “a little bit” during the election campaign.

Namibians will take to the polls in November 2024, with a national re-registration of voters launching in June.