Majority of Namibians say corruption is rising and citizens risk retaliation if they speak out, new Afrobarometer study shows

Two-thirds of Namibians say corruption in the country is getting worse, although this share has decreased significantly in recent years, a new Afrobarometer survey indicates. Large majorities believe that at least “some” representatives and officials in government, civil society, and business are involved in corruption. Most citizens say the government is doing a poor job of fighting…

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SNAPSHOT OF A PANDEMIC: Covid-19 impact on Namibian livelihoods (2020)

Namibian households are struggling to cope with the impact of the pandemic on their livelihoods. They have experienced reductions in income mainly as a result of retrenchments or reductions in salary and wages.  Most report difficulties in meeting financial commitments and many expect problems with food security. Most households that had savings, have used some…

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COVID-19 SNAPSHOT: Impact of pandemic on business in Namibia (2020)

African street vendors on the road selling raw peanuts, corn, monkey oranges, The COVID-19 crisis has significantly affected enterprises in Namibia. Considering the important role that businesses play in creating jobs, economic growth, development and prosperity, Survey Warehouse conducted a needs assessment survey to identify key challenges faced by businesses resulting from COVID-19.  This survey…

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EXPERTS DISCUSS: Trust in the Judiciary (2021)

Trust in the competence of the judiciary is strong, albeit lower amongst more experienced respondents, a 2021 survey among Namibian legal practitioners found. The survey was undertaken by ISG Risk Services in collaboration with Survey Warehouse and published in December 2021. The survey also found that legal practitioners are more confident in the judiciary’s independence…

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